Senin, 18 November 2019

MIS SAVIX (Management Information System)

Saida Mak MIS

1.       Architecture of the MIS
1.1 The Main Differences MIS Excel and Savix

1.2 Basic Architecture
2. The role of the MIS Administrator in setting up an MIS and a first Project
2.1 Credentials
2.2 Registering MIS
2.3 Creating Project
2.4 Creating User Defined Field
2.5 Creating Standard Data Field
2.6 Creating additional Projects

3. The Role of the Project Administrator in Setting up a Project
3.1 Create and maintain a table of trainers
3.2 Confirmation of Configuration Settings

4. Data Entry
4.1 Group level data entry

5. DEO (Data Entry Officer)
5.1 DEO(Data Entry Officer)

6. MIS Visitor
6.1 MIS Visitor

7. Change User Name and Password
7.1 Change User Name and Password

              Objetivu treinamentu ba MIS mak hanesan;
        Bele hatene saida mak MIS
        Bele Hatene kona ba strutura basiku MIS SAVIX
        Bele hatene oinsa MIS bele servisu
        Bele ona registu MIS
        Bele Kria Project Administrator
        Bele Familiar UDF no SDF
       Bele entry dadus kona ba supervisor
        Bele entry dadus kona ba grupu
       Bele Kria account ba Data Entry Officer (DEO)
       Bele fo treinamentu kona ba MIS Savix


·       MIS hanesan Management Information System (Sistema Gestor ba Informasaun), Informasaun ida ne’e liga liu ba atividade VSLA ( VSLA hanesan atividade ne’ebe supporta komunidade sira oinsa rai no impresta sira nia osan.
·       MIS savix hanesan parte base dadus ida ba atividade VSLA.
·       Store dadus kona ba VSLA groups no Supervisor
·       Kria relatoriu kona ba performance agente no grupu
·       Gestor no supervisor bele komprende kondisaun projeitu VSLA no foti dezisaun oinsa fahe tempu bele visita grupu no foku liu ba aspeitu balun

1.       Architecture of the MIS

1.1    The Main Differences MIS Excel and Savix
VSLA Model
        VSL Associates works exclusively on the development of the VSL model and has actively facilitated its spread to over 45 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.  Operating informally since 1995, VSL Associates Ltd. was incorporated as a limited liability company in the UK in January 2007
        MIS version 3.01/02
        MIS Version 4.01/02/03/04
        New generation of Savix MIS

New Generation: SAVIX MIS
        Sistema standard ba Grupu rai osan (all agencies and methodologies)
        Online database:
        Presija set up / Configura nia account
        Presija koneksaun internet atu entry no assesu dadus
        Bele uza mos iha App (Android, tablet nsst)
        Relatorio bele saved/emailed as HTML files
        Dadus bele exported ba Excel no bele analiza
        Sistema ne’e agora selu ona (Maibe bainhira hakarak kontinua organiza no assesu bele request ba
 1.1    Basic Architecture

Basic Architecture 1: Levels in the MIS
Iha Sistema operasaun 3 ne’ebe diferensia mak hanesan:
MIS (MIS Administrator). Hanesan projetu privadu ida ne’ebe kria fatin ba dadus.  MIS ida laiha limitasaun ba numeru projeitu. MIS Administrator (MA) hanesan responsavel ba:
Kria MIS (MEAL no M&E)
Kria nia projeitu sira (MEAL no M&E) Project Administrator
Kria User-defined fields (Iha adisional standart ba dadus kampu) Ba dadus ida ne’e sei utiliza hotu ba project sira ne’ebe inklina an iha MIS Administrator ida nia laran.  
Projetu (Project Administrator)Ida hanesan base ba MIS. Ne’ebe iha dadus grupu individu ne’ebe ita bele entry, no iha relatoriu operasaun jeral, foka mos ba peforma staff ne’ebe responsavel servisu dereita nudar implementador. Ida ne’e ita bolu hanesan nain ba implementasaun projetu ka Project Administrator (PA) no iha mos officiais ba entry dadus (DEO).
Network (Network Administrator). Network ida kria husi parte dala tolu ne’ebe hetan autorizasaun husi VSL Associates. Network administrasaun ne’e sei invite projetu hotu (PA) atu projetu nee bele registu SAVIX MIS, iha nasaun ne’ebe deit. Network mos bele uza husi INGO sira ne’ebe implementa atividade rai osan iha grupu, iha regiaun ka nasaun ida ho implementasaun parseiru la hanesan.


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