Rabu, 24 Juli 2013
Hau no Hau nia Familia
Selasa, 23 Juli 2013
Kata-kata Bijaksana
Setiap orang
seharusnya melakukan 2 hal dengan kesungguh-sungguhan : mengerjakan hal yang
sangat ia sukai, dan mengerjakan hal yang sangat ia benci.
adalah keadaan dimana lidah bekerja lebih cepat daripada pikiran, dan tindakan
lebih cepat dari nurani.
Tak ada yang mampu mengubah masa lalu, tapi anda dapat merusak masa depan dengan menangisi masa lalu dan merisaukan masa depan.
sejati tidak diukur dari seberapa banyak investasi yang dia lakukan untuk
memperoleh uang, tetapi seberapa besar investasi yang dia lakukan untuk
memperoleh akhirat.
Senyum adalah anugrah Tuhan bagi setiap manusia yang mengandung cahaya kebaikan dan kesucian, membawa kedamaian bagi yang melihat, dan menumbuhkan welas asih bagi yang memberi. Maka tersenyumlah kepada semua orang.
mudah untuk melawan ribuan orang bersenjata lengkap dibandingkan melawan
kesombongan diri sendiri.
Apa yang anda lakukan hari ini, merupakan kunci kebaikan ataupun juga kehancuran hari esok anda. Lakukanlah yang terbaik untuk hari ini.
sulitnya manusia bersyukur atas nafas yang masih berhembus di badan. Namun
betapa mudahnya manusia mengeluh hanya karena kakinya menginjak kotoran.
Apapun yang terjadi pada anda esok hari itu karena apa yang anda lakukan hari ini.
tidak menurunkan takdir begitu saja. Tuhan memberikan takdir sesuai dengan apa
yang kita lakukan. Jika kita maju dan berusaha, Tuhan akan memberikan takdir
kesuksesan. Jika kita lengah dan malas, maka Tuhan akan memberikan takdir
Kepada orang bodoh sekalipun TUHAN mengirimkan keberuntungan, kepada orang gila sekalipun TUHAN memberikan rejeki kehidupan.
kita menatap ke belakang sesungguhnya kita telah tertinggal dengan orang yang
merangkak ke depan. Sesungguhnya masa lalu adalah guru bagi kita untuk menatap
dan membangun masa depan.
Hal tersulit dalam kehidupan ini bukanlah untuk melampaui orang lain, tetapi melampaui ego dan diri kita sendiri.
pada dirimu sendiri, Meski ada yang tak Menyukai. Kadang mereka membenci karena
Mereka tak mampu menjadi seperti dirimu.
Duri dalam kaki sulit ditemukan, Apalagi duri dalam hati. Jika ada orang yang melihat duri di hatinya, mana mungkin kesedihan akan berkuasa?
menciptakan segala sesuatu berpasang pasangan.Ada tangan kanan,ada tangan
kiri.Ada yang pintar,ada yang bodoh.Jangan bilang kau tak pernah mengecap
manisnya keberhasilan,jangan bilang kau gak pernah mengecap pahitnya
kegagalan.Tapi biarlah semua seperti air mengalir dan lakukanlah yang terbaik
didalam keseharianmu
Jika kamu takut melangkah, lihatlah bagaimana seorang bayi yang mencoba berjalan. Niscaya akan kau temukan, bahwa setiap manusia pasti akan jatuh. Hanya manusia terbaik lah yang mampu bangkit dari ke jatuhannya.
adalah sebagaimana yang kamu pikirkan, Jika kau berpikir Tuhan itu Baik, maka
Tuhan akan baik padamu. Namun jika kamu pikir Tuhan itu Buruk, maka Tuhan akan
memperlakukan mu dengan Buruk.
Jika kamu tidak suka apa yang ada di sekeliling mu, ubahlah, setidaknya ubahlah dirimu sendiri. Ingat, kamu bukan sebatang pohon.
terbaik adalah yang selalu berusaha membuat orang lain senang. Lakukanlah
walaupun kamu harus meninggalkan mereka dan sendirian.
Kelebihan kita adalah, kita mampu memulai, dan kita juga mampu untuk MENGAKHIRI.
Selalu punya pilihan tiap hari. Tinggal kita memilih, memulai niat baik yang
kemarin, ataukah menunggu dan mendapatkan rasa penyesalan besok.
Jika kamu melihat dunia, maka lihatlah kebawah, karena jika kau menengadah, maka yang kau dapatkan adalah sakit leher dan mata yang berkunang-kunang.
ibarat menaiki sepeda, agar tidak terjatuh dari sepeda dan menjaga
keseimbangan, kita harus terus bergerak, dan mengayuhkan kaki.
Sebaik-baiknya perdagangan, adalah menjual amal baik untuk ditukarkan dengan surga.
terbaik adalah : "Aku telah mencobanya", dan yang terburuk adalah :
"Aku akan mencobanya"
Kadang kita lupa, bahwa untuk melihat diri kita, jalan terbaik adalah melalui mata orang lain.
kepedihan kita hari ini akan terasa indah dan manis saat kita mengingatnya
Kumpulkanlah kesalahan saat ini, karena kelak kumpulan kesalahan yang bernama pengalaman itu akan membawamu kepada puncak ke suksesan.
sebenarnya tengah bermain catur dengan kehidupan kita. Dia menggerakkan
bidak-bidaknya bernama tantangan, cobaan dan godaan, kemudian duduk kembali
melihat reaksi kita. Jadi buatlah langkah terbaik sebelum Tuhan memberi kita
Skak Mat.
Perlakukanlah setiap orang dengan kebaikan hati dan rasa hormat yang tulus, meski mereka berlaku buruk padamu.lngatlah bahwa penghargaan pada orang lain bukan karena siapa mereka, tapi karena siapakah dirimu.
Hantu dijadikan simbol kebijakan, karena Seekor burung hantu yang bijaksana
duduk di sebatang dahan. Semakin banyak ia melihat, semakin sedikit ia
berbicara. Semakin sedikit ia bicara, semakin banyak ia mendengar. Mengapa kita
tidak mencoba menjadi seperti burung hantu yg bijaksana itu?
Berduka, berkabung dan menyesali tak kan pernah mampu mengubah keadaan. Hanya bergerak, melangkah dan berbuatlah yang bisa menggantikan kedukaan menjadi kebahagiaan.
dan jalankan semua impianmu, karena sebenarnya dalam dirimu telah terdapat
energi dan kemampuan untuk melakukan apapun.
Kesalahan kita yang paling buruk adalah terlalu sibuk mengamati dan mengurusi kesalahan orang lain.
yang gagal selalu mencari jalan untuk menghindari kesulitan,
sementara orang yang sukses selalu menerjang kesulitan untuk menggapai
Sebenarnya kegagalan kita bukanlah karena adanya kesulitan yang menghambat langkah kita, Tetapi karena ketidak beranian untuk melawan rasa takut dalam diri.
manusia yang pada saat kelahiranmu semua orang tertawa bahagia, tapi hanya kamu
sendiri yang menangis. Dan pada saat kematianmu semua orang menangis sedih,
tapi hanya kamu sendiri yang tersenyum.
Bila kegagalan itu bagai hujan, dan keberhasilan bagaikan matahari, maka butuh keduanya untuk melihat pelangi.
bisa memiliki apa pun yang Anda inginkan, jika Anda mampu menghilangkan
keyakinan bahwa anda tidak akan mendapatkan yang anda inginkan.
Jika Anda menginginkan sesuatu yang belum anda miliki, maka Anda akan harus melakukan sesuatu yang belum pernah anda lakukan.
Senin, 22 Juli 2013
Draf Ba Embaixador Australia kona ba dezenvolvimentu Rural
What is DAP?
The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government. DAP is primarily aimed at supporting small-scale, sustainable development projects; and, preferably, activities which are participatory in nature in that they actively engage the beneficiaries in the design, development and implementation of the project.
Who Can Apply?
DAP funding is available to: individuals; community groups; local, international or Australian NGOs; academic institutions and research bodies; libraries and museums; and other organisations engaged in development activities on a not-for-profit basis.
What Projects Are Eligible For Funding?
As a basic DAP criterion, a clear humanitarian or development outcome must be identified for a disadvantaged group of people. Attention is given to projects providing direct benefits to those most in need in the local community, including vulnerable or disadvantaged groups, children and youth.
Eligible activities include community health, education, small scale infrastructure, sanitation, rural development, environmental development, gender equality, conferences and training activities, and cultural and sporting activities.
All projects must have a developmental outcome and be implemented within a relatively short period of time. The focus is on activities that have a direct, practical, immediate impact. DAP projects must be sustainable, oriented towards self-help and should not rely on future DAP grants. Submissions should demonstrate a commitment on the part of the local community to implement the activities and sustain them.
What Is NOT Eligible for Funding?
As a general rule, the following activities and inputs are not funded:
• Routine, recurring running costs and administrative expenses, such as staff salaries, office rental and utility costs, spare parts, office supplies, routine maintenance and repairs and the purchase of major assets like property or vehicles;
• payment of salaries or fees for consultants and advisors, where they constitute a major cost component of the project;
• generic conferences, training, and cultural and sporting activities that cannot demonstrate a developmental outcome; and
• micro-finance projects or micro-credit schemes that involve a return of money.
Consideration may be given to small-scale community or organisational activities that have prospects of eventually generating commercial benefits, where the community or organisation can demonstrate that proceeds from the activity will be reinvested in the project or in the achievement of developmental outcomes.
For further information please visit: http://www.dfat.gov.au/direct_aid_program/dap_guidelines.html
Dili, Timor-Leste
Application for Financial Assistance
Organisation/community group details
Organisation/NGO/group name
Type of organisation (eg NGO, community-based etc)
Location of organisation/group (district/sub-district)
Name of main contact person
Contact telephone numbers (required):
Address (required):
Email address (if available)
1. Brief description of your organisation/NGO/community group
Project details
Project title
Project location
Duration (how many months will the project take to complete?)
** We request that you provide two independent reference letters that support your project with your application **
2. Description of the project: (What is the objective? What do you aim to achieve? How many people will benefit from the project?)
3. Why are you seeking to do the project? What is the current need/problem/gap that the project will address?
4. What are the expected outcomes that the project will achieve? (ie once implemented, how will the project help the situation described above?)
Funding details
DAP amount requested
Total project cost
5. Will there be recurrent costs associated with the project? (Yes or No. If yes, how will they be sustained?)
6. Is the project being co-funded by other donors? Have you applied for, or received, financial assistance from any other Embassy or Organisation for this project? (Yes or No. If yes, please provide details, including the amounts requested/received)
7. Has your organisation/group previously received funding from the Australian Embassy (i.e. from AusAID, ETCAS, ASPCF, DAP)? (Yes or No. If yes, please provide details)
8. What is the contribution from your Organisation/group? (If the contribution is not monetary, but is in the form or labour, other voluntary work, or provision of materials etc – please explain)
9. Detailed Budget and Quotes:
Please attach the following documentation to your application:
• A detailed budget (including a breakdown of the project components) explaining how the requested DAP funding will be spent;
o If the project is being co-funded, or your organisation/group is contributing funding, please include details of those funds;
• To support and justify the amounts requested, please provide at least two (2) quotations or pro-forma invoices from independent suppliers.
Name(s) of applicant(s):______________________________________________________________
Date of application:_________________________________________________________________
Details/Attachment Checklist:
Yes No
Contact telephone number provided?
Detailed budget attached?
Two or more quotations for relevant items in the budget attached?
Two reference letters in support of your project attached?
(For NGOs) Proof of registration as an NGO attached?
(For projects that include construction of buildings/toilets/rubbish bins etc) Relevant design/location documents attached?
What is DAP?
The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government. DAP is primarily aimed at supporting small-scale, sustainable development projects; and, preferably, activities which are participatory in nature in that they actively engage the beneficiaries in the design, development and implementation of the project.
Who Can Apply?
DAP funding is available to: individuals; community groups; local, international or Australian NGOs; academic institutions and research bodies; libraries and museums; and other organisations engaged in development activities on a not-for-profit basis.
What Projects Are Eligible For Funding?
As a basic DAP criterion, a clear humanitarian or development outcome must be identified for a disadvantaged group of people. Attention is given to projects providing direct benefits to those most in need in the local community, including vulnerable or disadvantaged groups, children and youth.
Eligible activities include community health, education, small scale infrastructure, sanitation, rural development, environmental development, gender equality, conferences and training activities, and cultural and sporting activities.
All projects must have a developmental outcome and be implemented within a relatively short period of time. The focus is on activities that have a direct, practical, immediate impact. DAP projects must be sustainable, oriented towards self-help and should not rely on future DAP grants. Submissions should demonstrate a commitment on the part of the local community to implement the activities and sustain them.
What Is NOT Eligible for Funding?
As a general rule, the following activities and inputs are not funded:
• Routine, recurring running costs and administrative expenses, such as staff salaries, office rental and utility costs, spare parts, office supplies, routine maintenance and repairs and the purchase of major assets like property or vehicles;
• payment of salaries or fees for consultants and advisors, where they constitute a major cost component of the project;
• generic conferences, training, and cultural and sporting activities that cannot demonstrate a developmental outcome; and
• micro-finance projects or micro-credit schemes that involve a return of money.
Consideration may be given to small-scale community or organisational activities that have prospects of eventually generating commercial benefits, where the community or organisation can demonstrate that proceeds from the activity will be reinvested in the project or in the achievement of developmental outcomes.
For further information please visit: http://www.dfat.gov.au/direct_aid_program/dap_guidelines.html
Dili, Timor-Leste
Application for Financial Assistance
Organisation/community group details
Organisation/NGO/group name
Type of organisation (eg NGO, community-based etc)
Location of organisation/group (district/sub-district)
Name of main contact person
Contact telephone numbers (required):
Address (required):
Email address (if available)
1. Brief description of your organisation/NGO/community group
Project details
Project title
Project location
Duration (how many months will the project take to complete?)
** We request that you provide two independent reference letters that support your project with your application **
2. Description of the project: (What is the objective? What do you aim to achieve? How many people will benefit from the project?)
3. Why are you seeking to do the project? What is the current need/problem/gap that the project will address?
4. What are the expected outcomes that the project will achieve? (ie once implemented, how will the project help the situation described above?)
Funding details
DAP amount requested
Total project cost
5. Will there be recurrent costs associated with the project? (Yes or No. If yes, how will they be sustained?)
6. Is the project being co-funded by other donors? Have you applied for, or received, financial assistance from any other Embassy or Organisation for this project? (Yes or No. If yes, please provide details, including the amounts requested/received)
7. Has your organisation/group previously received funding from the Australian Embassy (i.e. from AusAID, ETCAS, ASPCF, DAP)? (Yes or No. If yes, please provide details)
8. What is the contribution from your Organisation/group? (If the contribution is not monetary, but is in the form or labour, other voluntary work, or provision of materials etc – please explain)
9. Detailed Budget and Quotes:
Please attach the following documentation to your application:
• A detailed budget (including a breakdown of the project components) explaining how the requested DAP funding will be spent;
o If the project is being co-funded, or your organisation/group is contributing funding, please include details of those funds;
• To support and justify the amounts requested, please provide at least two (2) quotations or pro-forma invoices from independent suppliers.
Name(s) of applicant(s):______________________________________________________________
Date of application:_________________________________________________________________
Details/Attachment Checklist:
Yes No
Contact telephone number provided?
Detailed budget attached?
Two or more quotations for relevant items in the budget attached?
Two reference letters in support of your project attached?
(For NGOs) Proof of registration as an NGO attached?
(For projects that include construction of buildings/toilets/rubbish bins etc) Relevant design/location documents attached?
Rezultadu Dialogu
Resultadu maka konsege formula
Vizaun, saida maka konsellu Suku sei foku, no komunidade sei kontribui hodi hetan
Vizaun Suku Sagadate Nian ba tinan lima
mak hanesan tuir mai ne’e:
tinan lima oin mai komunidade Suku Sagadate sei asessu ba Bee mos,
fundamentál husi vizaun ne’e mak Komunidade ida ne’e seidauk assesu ba bee mos
ne’ebé kanaliza ba hemu, haris, fase roupa no seluk-seluk tan.
Buat ne’ebé konsellu Suku tenke foku atu hetan bee mos maka:
Halo planu ho komunidade kona ba
proposta ba Governu no NGO hodi hetan vizaun ne’e nue’e mos koordena ho
komunidade hodi garante manutensaun ba bee mos mak iha.
Buat ne’ebé komunidade sei kontribui atu assesu ba bee ;
Presiza partisipasaun apoiu
fisiku ou non fisiku husi komunidade ba konsellu Suku
Persiza komunidade
nian suporta liu husi servisu Voluntariu
iha Suku laran.
tinan lima oin mai iha ona sede aldeia
Razaun fundamentál husi Vizaun ne’e mak tanba to’o agora
husi aldeia ida-idak difisil ba sira atu halo enkontru no rai sasan ka materiál
Suku nian ne’ebé mak suporta husi NGO ka Governu.
Buat ne’ebé konsellu Suku Sagadate tenke foku atu hetan vizaun ba sede
aldeia mak;
kria relasaun diak ho Governu, NGos hodi hato’o proposta nune’e bele realiza vizaun ne’e iha tinan lima nian laran
oin mai.
Buat ne’ebé komunidade sei kontribui
atu realiza Vizaun assesu ba sede aldeia maka;
Presisa servisu hamutuk entre komunidade ho konsellu Suku ba
dezemvolvimentu Suku nian presiza partisipasaun no apoiu fisiku ou non fisiku
husi komunidade ba konsellu Suku perzisa
komunidade ninian suporta liu husi servisu voluntariu / gotong royong iha Suku
tinan lima oin mai ; iha Suku sagadate assesu ona ba estrada;
Razaun fundamentál ba vizaun Terseiru ne’e
maka komunidade husi Suku Sagadate seidauk assesu ba Estrada husi Suku ba
aldeia nomos hakarak atu loke Estrada ba area rurais.
Buat ne’ebé konsehllu Suku tenke foku atu hetan vizaun ba Estrada :
kria relasaun servisu diak ho Suku vizinhu no servisu hamutuk ho Governu no
Komunidade hodi bele realiza vizaun ne’e iha tinan lima oin mai.
Buat ne’ebé komunidade sagadate sei kontribui atu realize vizaun ba Estrada
Komunidade prontu servisu voluntaria ho Konsellu Suku atu halo manutensaun
no limpeza regulár ba Estrada iha sira nia aldeia mai to’o iha Suku.
tinan lima oin mai ihaSuku sagadate hetan ona Sentru treinamentu ba juventude:
ba vizaun ida ne,e maka :atu bele dezenvolve juventude nia kreaktividade iha Suku
Buat ne’ebé konsellu Suku tenke foku
atu hetan Vizaun ida ne’e maka ;
Halo planu no perpara proposta hodi hato’o ba Ministériu kompotente no NGO
ne’ebé servisu ba area ne’e hodi realiza vizaun iha tinan lima nia laran.
Buat ne’ebé povu sei kontribui atu realiza vizaun ne’e maka;
servisu hamutuk ho konsellu Suku, hodi partisipa iha atividades ho
voluntariu, no halo manutensaun ba fasilidade karik iha ona Sentru treinamentu.
tinan lima oin mai ihaSuku sagadate hetan ona Irigasaun ne’ebé diak ba natar;
fundamentál ba vizaun ida ne’e maka; irigasaun
sei sai diak iha tempu udan no bele hetan fini ne’ebé naton hamenos situasaun hamlaha no kiak iha
Suku Sagadate.
Buat ne’ebé konshellu Suku tenke foku atu hetan vizaun ida ne’e maka;
loby,no Aprezenta planu proposta
ba Governu no NGO sira hodi realiza vizaun ne,e
Buat ne’ebé povu sei kontribui atu realize vizaun ne,e maka;
Servisu hamutuk ho konsellu Suku atu
buka dalan partisipa iha aktividade halo
natar nian.
Prosesu Dialogu Suco Sagadate
Diálogu entre lider Komunitária ho kumunidade Suku Sagadate halao iha dia 27
de Mei 2010 ne’ebé huhu tuku 09.15 dadersan to’o tuku 05.30 lokraik, halao iha sede
Suku Sagadate, partisipantes iha Diálogu ida ne’e mai husi liders Komunitária
hanesan Señór Xefe Suku, Representante Juventude Mane, Juventude Feto, no
Reprezentante feto rua,reprejentante
komunidade husi kada aldeia, inklui mos Xefe
Aldeia no Anxiaun hamutuk 32 pesoas, prosesu Diálogu Komunitária ida ne’e simbolikamente loke husi
Señór Xefe Suku Sagadate ne’ebé Modera husi co fasilitadór, iha Xefe Suku nia
lia maklokek ba dahuluk nian apresia no agradese wain tebes ba Asia foundation ne’ebé
suporta Diálogu ida ne’e ba sira nian Suku no enkoraza sidadaun Sagadate
idak-idak ne’ebé partisipa atu bele uza
oportunidade ida ne’e hodi dezemvolve Suku
Sagadate sai diak liutan iha futuru. Remata tiha lian maklokek no
kontinua husi fasilitadór Asia foundations nian durante prosesu diálogu esplika
konaba funsaun Konsellu do Suku tuir lei
No 3/2009 ,no valór dezempeñu Konsellu tinan uluk no diskusaun grupu, antes atu remata partisipante hotu-hotu hato’o
sira nian espresaun’’husi lia nain Sr. Aurelio da costa pereira katak’’ obrigadu barak ba Asia foundation tanba husi
dader to’o iha lokraik ida ne’e ami simu informasaun no aprende buat barak tanba
ami bele hatene ida-idak nia funsaun iha Suku nomos konaba knaar Konsellu Suku
nian. Nomos liafuan husi reprejentante juventude mane Sr: sebastiao mendes
Pereira katak’’ ami simu ho kontente tanba bele hatene ami nia funsaun maibe
iha parte balun ne’ebé mak ami sente tristi tanba dala barak ami atu halao
aktividade mais difisil oituan tanba ami laiha osanmentu ne’e duni ami husu ba NGO
no Governu nia tulun hodi bele ajuda ami iha ami nia Suku, no ikus liu liafuan
husi xefi Suku ‘’Sr: Aureliano de Jejus katak ‘’loron tomak ita partisipa iha Diálogu ne’e hanesan fo dalan ba ita nomos esplika
konaba ita nia funsaun no ita mai laos tanba osan maibe ita eleitu husi Povu ne’eduni
ita tenke konsulta hamutuk halo planu hanesan Asia Foundation mai fo
informasaun ba ita atu hatene ida-idak nia knaar. Neduni ami husu ba asia
foundation atu mai fo treino nafatin atu ami bele hetan informasaun nafatin no
ikus liu sefi Suku ho nia rekomenda katak ‘’sekarik ami nia vizaun hirak ne,e
halo ba dokumentasaun to,o ona iha ne’ebé
ami mos hakarak hatene. No hau lori Suku sagadate nia naran hatene katak Asia
foundation nia programa sei lao diak no sei lao ho susessu. buat ne’ebé Asia Fundations sei halo atu hadia
dezenpeñu hirak ne’e maka sei fasilita treinamentu kontinuasaun, Diálogu Komunitáriu
no ba oin sei fasilita nafatin treinamentu oinsa lidera sorumutu konsellu Suku ba Xefe Suku no Sekretáriu sira
inklui mos treinamentu ba reprezetante Juventude feto no mane atu sira bele halao sira nian funsaun reprezetante ho
Suku Sagadate ho nian luan 31,81 km2, Kompostu husi aldeia nen ( 11 )
Hanesan Iasula, Beluli,Aruaba, Nha-afa, One-bu’u, Ulabuti, Abuti, Siribu’u,
Selegua, Samagata,ho Sagadate. ho totál
abitantes hamutuk 3,165 no totál Xefe de familia hamutuk 695. Rekursu ne’ebé
boot iha Suku Sagadate mak hanesan nu’u, kami, batar, hare, fehuk, aifarina no
hudi. Matapencaharian povu Suku Sagadate
hanesan batar,aifarina,no aifuan ne’ebé iha,
Saude Suku Sagadate iha ona sentru saude, pesoál ne’ebé servisu iha sentru ne’e
ema nain rua(2) inferneira ida, parteira ida, aktividade saude ne’ebé mak
durante ne’e lao mak programa SISKA imunizasaun ba inan isin rua sira no
labarik tinan husi 0-5 moras ne’ebé iha rematik,malaria,isin manas,mear,kabun moras,diarea,ispa
no disentri.
Iha parte
EduKonselluaun, iha Suku Sagadate eskola fatin lima profesores ne’ebé iha 21
funsionariu 12 kontratadu 5 temporaria 6 no Suku Sagadate mos iha eskola
presekundária ne’ebé komunidade rasik mak hari.
Alimentár, iha Suku Sagadate ladun diak tanba Povu iha to’os no natár maibe depende
ba udan ben tanba Povu iha natar ne’ebé kuaze maoiria moris ba maibe irigasaun
kotu totalmente hodi hapara aktividade komunidade loro-loron. Iha parte paz no armonia
Sosiál, Suku Sagadate kategoria Suku ne’ebé iha paz no hakmatek engeral maibe
iha duni problema kikoan iha uma kain ida-ida ne’ebé sempre akontese iha aldeia
11 agora seidauk iha konflitu ne’ebé serio.
Iha Suku Sagadate komunidade sidauk hetan imformasaun husi parte floresta kona
ba Porteze Meuabiente nune’e komunidade
estraga meu ambiente tuir sira nia hakarak.
mos iha Suku Sagadate iha bee matan maibe do’ok husi komunidade. Sedauk kanaliza maibe be
matan ledeke ami halo ona planu programa ba PDL.
iha Suku Sagadate ba laga – Baguia mais ou menus diak maibe Estrada liga husi
aldeia ba Suku mak sedauk iha, Povu atu fa’an sira nia produtu lokal maibe
dalan laiha.
parte komunikasaun, iha parte komunikasaun
komunidade Suku Sagadate asesu
ona informasaun ba liña telemovel, ba radio no televizaun husi Suku Sagadate la
asessu tanba anin sobu.
Sagadate iha ona Merkadu maibe lauja, Povu fa,an sasan iha Merkadu tiriloida’e.
Parte Agrikultura maioria populasaun moris depende ba agrikultura,iha Seitór
balu la halao , tanba irigasaun ladiak.
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