Senin, 22 Juli 2013

Draf Ba Embaixador Australia kona ba dezenvolvimentu Rural



What is DAP?

The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government.  DAP is primarily aimed at supporting small-scale, sustainable development projects; and, preferably, activities which are participatory in nature in that they actively engage the beneficiaries in the design, development and implementation of the project.

Who Can Apply?

DAP funding is available to: individuals; community groups; local, international or Australian NGOs; academic institutions and research bodies; libraries and museums; and other organisations engaged in development activities on a not-for-profit basis.

What Projects Are Eligible For Funding?

As a basic DAP criterion, a clear humanitarian or development outcome must be identified for a disadvantaged group of people.  Attention is given to projects providing direct benefits to those most in need in the local community, including vulnerable or disadvantaged groups, children and youth.

Eligible activities include community health, education, small scale infrastructure, sanitation, rural development, environmental development, gender equality, conferences and training activities, and cultural and sporting activities.

All projects must have a developmental outcome and be implemented within a relatively short period of time.  The focus is on activities that have a direct, practical, immediate impact.  DAP projects must be sustainable, oriented towards self-help and should not rely on future DAP grants.  Submissions should demonstrate a commitment on the part of the local community to implement the activities and sustain them.

What Is NOT Eligible for Funding?

As a general rule, the following activities and inputs are not funded:
Routine, recurring running costs and administrative expenses, such as staff salaries, office rental and utility costs, spare parts, office supplies, routine maintenance and repairs and the purchase of major assets like property or vehicles;
payment of salaries or fees for consultants and advisors, where they constitute a major cost component of the project;
generic conferences, training, and cultural and sporting activities that cannot demonstrate a developmental outcome; and
micro-finance projects or micro-credit schemes that involve a return of money.

Consideration may be given to small-scale community or organisational activities that have prospects of eventually generating commercial benefits, where the community or organisation can demonstrate that proceeds from the activity will be reinvested in the project or in the achievement of developmental outcomes.

For further information please visit:

Dili, Timor-Leste

Application for Financial Assistance

Organisation/community group details
Organisation/NGO/group name
Type of organisation (eg NGO, community-based etc)
Location of organisation/group (district/sub-district)
Name of main contact person
Contact telephone numbers (required):
Address (required):

Email address (if available)

1. Brief description of your organisation/NGO/community group

Project details
Project title
Project location
Duration (how many months will the project take to complete?)
** We request that you provide two independent reference letters that support your project with your application **

2. Description of the project:  (What is the objective? What do you aim to achieve? How many people will benefit from the project?)

3. Why are you seeking to do the project? What is the current need/problem/gap that the project will address?

4. What are the expected outcomes that the project will achieve? (ie once implemented, how will the project help the situation described above?)

Funding details
DAP amount requested
Total project cost

5. Will there be recurrent costs associated with the project? (Yes or No. If yes, how will they be sustained?)

6. Is the project being co-funded by other donors? Have you applied for, or received, financial assistance from any other Embassy or Organisation for this project? (Yes or No. If yes, please provide details, including the amounts requested/received)

7. Has your organisation/group previously received funding from the Australian Embassy (i.e. from AusAID, ETCAS, ASPCF, DAP)? (Yes or No. If yes, please provide details)

8. What is the contribution from your Organisation/group? (If the contribution is not monetary, but is in the form or labour, other voluntary work, or provision of materials etc – please explain)

9. Detailed Budget and Quotes:

Please attach the following documentation to your application:
A detailed budget (including a breakdown of the project components) explaining how the requested DAP funding will be spent;
o If the project is being co-funded, or your organisation/group is contributing funding, please include details of those funds;
To support and justify the amounts requested, please provide at least two (2) quotations or pro-forma invoices from independent suppliers.

Name(s) of applicant(s):______________________________________________________________


Date of application:_________________________________________________________________

Details/Attachment Checklist:

Yes No
Contact telephone number provided?
Detailed budget attached?
Two or more quotations for relevant items in the budget attached?
Two reference letters in support of your project attached?
(For NGOs) Proof of registration as an NGO attached?
(For projects that include construction of buildings/toilets/rubbish bins etc) Relevant design/location documents attached?

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